сряда, 8 юни 2016 г.

History of Printing at Oxford University Press

The Old School Press has just published the latest title in its series of books on aspects of the history of printing at Oxford University Press. The new book is the first of three volumes that will make up Printing at the University Press, Oxford, 1660-1780, and covers the succession of premises occupied by the Press and how activities were disposed around them, the main roles involved in the management of the Press, and – one of its principal resources – paper, its origin, acquisition, use, and price. Volume II will cover the type used by the Press, and volume III the process from author’s copy to printed sheets.
 The book is printed letterpress. Photographs of ten contemporary documents are tipped in. A de luxe version additionally includes a separate 40pp volume of correspondence from the London paper wholesalers to Thomas Yate in the 1670s.

Full details can be found at www.theoldschoolpress.com.

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